Certified Security Analyst Course | RedTeam Hacker Academy

Certified Security Analyst Course | EC-Council Certified Security Analyst v10

Certified Security Analyst Course

The Certified Security Analyst Course is a component of the knowledge Security Track of EC-Council. You will begin by covering security analysis and penetration testing methodologies before moving on to TCP IP packet analysis. Next you'll explore pre-penetration testing steps, operation methodology and vulnerability analysis. Next you will learn about network penetration testing methodology in the realms of external, internal, firewall, IDS, web application, SQL, database, wireless network, mobile devices and cloud. You will complete your study by learning about post-test actions and report writing.

As the exam is designed to test candidates’ knowledge and application of critical penetration testing methodologies, the ability to perform real-world penetration testing over EC-Council’s secure cyber range and produce a penetration test report that clearly documents the vulnerabilities found is significant . This report will be graded by professionals, and only on submitting an acceptable report will learners be able to proceed to the multiple-choice exam that leads to the awarding of the ECSA credential.
