Online Hacking Course | RedTeam Hacker Academy

Online Hacking CoursE | RedTeam Hacker Academy


The prime focus folks at RedTeam Hackker Academy is to supply with the simplest Online Hacking course. The Online Hacking course at RedTeam Academy will be focusing on Penetration Testing and Security, i.e., a simulation of hacker’s attack on a system, network, application or website. It is wont to discover existing weaknesses and vulnerabilities before hackers find and exploit them. It tests whether a site or system is secure, or it's loopholes by which hackers can take benefits. 

Ethical Hacking Course will elevate your knowledge of network, specification , web, web application architecture, OS and database security, computer forensic, the architecture of the OS and helps you prevent in preventing and identify the threats and vulnerabilities. This course will help you: to find out the methodology and tactics employed by the hacker to Penetrate in Google system to know the notorious Malware which enters your system for degrading security and stealing files.
