Twitter bitcoin scam 2020 : hackers made $ 121,000 bitcoins

Twitter bitcoin scam 2020 | Major twitter accounts Hacked

$ 121,000 was made in twitter bitcoin scam 2020! but how?. Hackers attacked 130 accounts, but they used only 45 of them to play the plot. Tweets were made from the personalities' accounts which people trust. 

Twitter bitcoin scam 2020 tweets were asking to donate money for the charity through their link and the user will get double payback and people started donating money. As per the information the twitter bitcoin scam was executed and planed by 4 outside hackers, who are in police custody now. Twitter has now locked the hacked accounts and will only restore when they are assured with the security.

The twitter bitcoin scam 2020 has opened all of our eyes towards the relevance of cybersecurity. To know more about the scam and measures to take protection against hacking click on the above link.
