Cybersecurity SOC Analyst | RedTeam Hacker Academy


cybersecurity soc analyst

A Cybersecurity SOC analyst is a cybersecurity professional who works as part of a team to observe and combat cyber threats to an organization's IT infrastructure and to assess security systems and measures for vulnerabilities and possible improvements. The SOC in the job title stands for security operations centerthis is the name for the team, which includes multiple analysts and other security professionals and often works together in a single physical location. A SOC could be an internal unit serving a single firm or an outsourced service providing security for external clients.

Cybersecurity SOC Analyst training course from RedTeam Hacker Academy delivers implementation-oriented learning of identifying, monitoring & preventing potential cyber threats to the IT architecture of the organization by accurately assessing the implemented security walls that detect the hackers. This Cybersecurity SOC Analyst training from RTHA helps students master analyzing the most vital infrastructure elements, network security, and Defense in Depth in real-like lab environments mentored by security experts.
